Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why the name? ------ The Architect

Besides the obvious of my college major (2008 Grad), there is more to it than that. Lately, Ive been thinking about what components are needed to truly make a song come to life; what supports are required to make a song 'structurally sound'?

'Facade' and 'Structure' -Facade by definition is the exterior face of a building. The final product is first presented from the facade and then everything else follows. In my songs, I believe that the vocals and the arrangement are the equivalent of what the facade is to architecture. It envelopes the beat and without it, there would be no song, just the beat and instruments. Since Architects are solely the creator of the facade, I feel as if The Architect fits perfectly as the album name. I have sung, written and arranged every song on this mixtape so I am The Architect.

-Structure is the underlying force needed to make things stable. In architecture, it makes buildings stand as well as resist natural elements such as wind. In humans, bones are the structure that keeps us standing. The structure within my songs are the beat. The beat is what orders my music, keeps it consistant, and enables it to 'stand'. The producers provide this element and so I must shout out to all the producers who are on and are going to be included on this mixtape.

Not meant to be a term paper but an explanation. My bad LOL!!!

The Architect - Coming Spring of 2010!!!

2010 Cavasiia 2010 2010 Cavasiia 2010 2010 Cavasiia 2010

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